Faculty Force

A world-class integrated platform in the musical culture industry


Xu Sanjun

release time:2018-04-04Source:Faculty ForceClick:-

Five Barriers to Overcom Teamwork (5DFTs) International authorized Mentor

Group and team coach, high-potential talent development coach, senior leadership team development coach, organizational transformation coach

American PDP International Chartered Coach and Trainer

Organizational development and talent training coach, consultant

[Specialization field]:

Classic Course: The fourth-level course of professional team growth: Level I "Teamwork and Team Building Training Camp", Level II "Efficient Communication and Executive Power Improvement", Level III "Five Practices for Excellence Managers", Level IV Advanced Five obstacles to overcome teamwork.

Xu Sanjun

Xu Sanjun Top Ride Training Consulting Director / Business School Project Executive Dean

Five Barriers to Overcom Teamwork (5DFTs) International authorized Mentor

Group and team coach, high-potential talent development coach, senior leadership team development coach, organizational transformation coach

American PDP International Chartered Coach and Trainer

Organizational development and talent training coach, consultant

[Specialization field]:

Classic Course: The fourth-level course of professional team growth: Level I "Teamwork and Team Building Training Camp", Level II "Efficient Communication and Executive Power Improvement", Level III "Five Practices for Excellence Managers", Level IV Advanced Five obstacles to overcome teamwork.

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